Beating Alpha

iterating towards truth


Trade of the day: GBPUSD (LONG)


Today’s trading day has produced 6 trade(VFI strategy) generating +36pips so overall very good day. There is one trade I would like to discuss. In this trade I have entered about 20minutes before news releases. I have entered on higher volume but soon after my entry the trade went against me(nothing strange about that). I was holding the position as long as technically possible but at the very low I exited my trade on a pre-set level which looking back was set incorrectly(premature exir cost me -7pips). Well, you live and learn. After I quit the trade I was ready to get-in if the trade would return on even stronger volume + I was waiting for the news to come out to step in. It came(volume + news), it was negative below expectations and I entered LONG again and hit my TP in matter of minutes(+18).  

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