Beating Alpha

iterating towards truth


Looking back at 2010 and ahead for 2011

As the end of the year is here I would like to wish the best to all traders, readers, losers and winners out there. For those who weren’t very profitable in 2010 I would like to recommend this:
  • do not to give up and keep going working hard every day
  • trade the style which suits you the best
  • set weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc … goals and keep re-evaluate them
  • create a journal with constant feedback but do not get too much bureaucratic
  • have a list of your weaknesses and keep working on their improvements
  • have a list of your strengths/best plays and focus on making the most out of them
  • work on your position sizing
  • all above process with absolute discipline!!! …
And much, much more. You can also get some inspiration from these links. As 2010 produced more then 2010 pips I am really grateful that I was able to sustain some challenges in 2010. With all the QE, EURO crisis, trade wars, commodities bubbles I think we can expect even higher volatility in 2011 which will be much appreciated by all day traders out there. So get ready, be disciplined and do not take anything for granted. I wish you all great year full of PIPS and personal improvements. 


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