Beating Alpha

iterating towards truth

Trades, Uncategorized

15.6.2011 – T3 & VFI results

Crazy day. Total madness :). One would think I have made ton of money today with constantly declining EURO (290pips in one day = pretty solid drop). Well, since trading is game of inches and I consider myself still a rookie I had a one blackout around 12:30 when I tried to SHORT the HELL out of the EURUSD. Well, with my super tight SL and strong volatility I didn’t choose the right time to go SHORT. In the morning the profits were below average (+10pips). Then came noon and the volatility went mad. I should have noticed that volatility dramatically increased but nope, not today. So in about an hour I lost that +10pips from the morning and add extra -30pips. Well, been there done that already gazillion times. I took a half an hour off and went back. Back to basics. One good trade & one good trade  & another. At the end of the day I manage to get back above 0 getting astonishing(laugh) +8pips :). Many lessons learnt today. Here is just a snapshot of my mad trading today:


Early in a day I have mentioned GBPCHF trade. The reaction to the news was bigger then expected and I didn’t like the PA at all. When you want to reach for 300-400pips goal fast you can’t take prisoners. You either have to be deadly patient (I am not) or have to cut it as soon as technicals start to scream. So I cut it. Not a big deal, overall good trade: +108pips. Anyway, GBPCHF is still on my watchlist. In you are happend to be still in CHF pairs be awre of tomorrow’s announcements from SNB.

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