Beating Alpha

iterating towards truth


The only thing you need is to be in the moment


The only thing you need is to be in the moment. If monks were introduced to trading that would be probably there first response to the situation. The whole mastery of trading is based upon one thing: how well you react to what just happened. To a loss, profit or a missed trade. Because that is the moment when we create most energy towards our next goal. If the goal is just to make money, we won't be able to be really in the moment. Never, ever. At least not for a long period of time.

Previously, when someone asked me how to start with trading I sent him to my "Links" section and direct him towards some book about trading. But I had it all wrong. Before you can even start you have to change yourself because it will be even harder to change yourself on the go. So what is the place I would sent him to? Of course the Shaolin temple :). But if that is too far away I would send him for this book: Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life. Then I would tell this person to pack all the things he/she needs for survival far away from the world he knows. I would tell him to read it through 100times, spent 5years with this one little book for $8.17 and then return. When this person return it would be a changed man probably not anymore interested in trading. For anyone who doesn't have a luxury to become totally enlightened with 5years away of civilization I have one message: "it will always be about the money" and the only thing how you can fight with that is to be truly in the moment. Because your reaction defines the moment but the moment doesn't define your reaction.

Read the book at least once and try to think how to incorporate it in your trading. Even better, build your trading around this knowledge from the very beginning. Only then you would be ready for the toughest market in the world: FX.

Enjoy 😉 

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