Beating Alpha

iterating towards truth


We fail and we fail again and …


One have to ask, what is a definition of failure? If you haven’t set a reasonable and achievable target or worse if you haven’t set any target, how can you recognize that you have failed? Expectation, expectation, expectation. If you are trying very hard and still over and over can’t reach your target maybe the definition of the target is wrong. Maybe your approach is just not effective enough. It is time to slowdown, sit down, stop, rethink, regroup your thoughts and have a break. I have done this several times in my so far short trading career and the final outcome of this “rethinking” period moved me always forward in terms of consistency and rate of return. Even after your trading game becomes consistent you have to ask yourself: How can I get to the next level? What routes I can take to get there? How long is it going to take? What I have to sacrifice? How can I tweak my game? What I have learnt while I was away? What is it going to do with my standard of living? etc.

So … slowdown, sit down, stop, rethink, regroup your thoughts and have a break. You are living only once and you have a plenty of time to figure it out.

Here is a good article on a failure from SMB.

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