Beating Alpha

iterating towards truth


Massive loss – En route to the time before disaster


Well, I am moved but I am also down almost 10% in my new futures account. One day of trading was able to erase such a big amount. I have never ever lost that much in one single day, actually afternoon. It all happened by shorting EURO at the 3rd of May with the series of trades I initiated around 4814 level at 16:45 {GMT+1}. Well, the level held once, then it moved back to upper range level at 4833 and I added more shorts. It has reached 4814 again and I added more. Suddenly I was in the position averaging down the losers and moving my SL far away like there is nothing above 4838 {that's were my sl was}! Soon after I was heavily SHORT I realized how many positions I have IN!!! I have never ever traded with that much size  before and I did not even know how I got there. What a rookie mistake and totally unprepared situation. After a long time looking back I felt that I am absorbed by emotions. At on second a little voice told me, get out at -$50! otherwise you would regret it. I did not listen and I carried on holding all those positions. And then it happened, my SL was not hit, but my risk manager profile blocked my account and cancelled all my positions. My risk tolerance was initially set at -$1000! Something what I did myself, but didn't realize how big position I have to have to hit it pretty easily. So totally pissed and frustrated I was out with -$1300. But that was not the end. I called my broker to move the limit up to $2000. He did instantly and I could trade. What a rookie mistake again. I traded on a tilt only this time. I had a plan. Well, the plan was: TO SHORT THE EURO AGAIN! with the same size! To make it all back. Terrible. Only this time I exited where I set myself I would exit. So here I am, I am having the worst day of my trading career, losses around $1925 and I am just shocked. Here comes last position, it was a nice retrace but this time I was ready to go LONG since that 4815 level I was shorting so many times held well. I got in {again with the same size} and there came one little retrace {only 3pips}. Well with that size even three pips were too much and my positions were liquidated by the risk manager {remember the new limit at $2000}. Three minutes after I found out that the trade I was in made 26pips in less then 5minutes. Nice, but without me. I could get it back to -$500 but it just wasn't meant to be. It is how it is. I was a moron driven by emotions.

Totally frustrated feeling sick from myself I was sitting in my chair and thinking: "you fuckin idiot, you fuckin idiot". I believe it was the biggest lesson in my trading career. Many lessons can be found in your losers. My lessons are:

1) Never add massively to already loosing position
2) Always know and STICK to your predetermined risk {first question on every trade is: what is my risk?}
3) Have a loss limit and once you hit it just give yourself a decent break or finish trading for that day {something what I found that day extremely difficult}
4) Have a plan for multiple position entries according to position type {do not add just because you would like to squeeze more out of the trade = greed}

I have learnt my lesson and hopefully I can take the most out of it! If YOU can, take the most as well because the feeling at the end is SHIT! Have a nice day.

PS: So far I managed to get back 3.5% on that loss sticking to my plan and discipline. Only way to go, only 6.5% to go!


  1. Ross McNairn

    May 17, 2011 at 8:05 pm

    wow, sounds like a truly horrible experience!I can imagine lessons like that have to be learned the hard way, thank god it happened at this stage of your career, and not 10 years down the line.I hope things level out,best of luckross

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