Beating Alpha

iterating towards truth


Teambuilding with algos

Recently I have put myself on enlightening path of figuring out the smallest bit of bits about my partners in crime: algos. If you are not familiar with Algorithmic trading then you have probably been sleeping for last few years. We have to accept them, we have to acknowledge that they have been evolving since the late 80’s and that they are now more intelligent but much more importantly, 1000x times faster than us. As well as the IT boom got down  PIT traders to their knees and they had to evolve we have to adapt as well. If you are not familiar at all what these algo’s are, here is the perfect link for start:

Another great resource for information can be zerohedge website (just type algo into a search column) or at the NANEX  guys where  we can see the flash crash partly decomposed and explained. If that is not enough for the start I can also recommend mickeyman’s blog  and his series deconstructiong algos. And if you want to take it even further I can recommend the book I am reading at the moment: Algorithmic Trading and DMA. Great introduction into maths behind the finance is also Principles of Financial Engineering  but has nothing to do with algo’s.

Have fun & enjoy your journey 😉

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