Beating Alpha

iterating towards truth

Browsing Tag: Quotes and slogans

Quotes, Uncategorized

Price projections

I have read recent article from NBT about price targets/projections. First of all I have to say that I have found value in authors articles. I believe that this blog is one of the few with true value. The main problem is in my opinion complexity o…

Quotes, Uncategorized

Cyklus 49 let

V bibli šlo o pohyb, který byl spravedlivý, jinými slovy na začátku hry na něj přistoupili všichni, neb nikdo nevěděl, kde a jak na tom za oněch 49 let bude. Zda dole, či nahoře. Kapitál se tak přesouval od bohatých k chudým, a nikoli naopak. Zůst…



Já nemám vzory. Já pracuji s idejemi a zapomínám na jejich nositele, což je možná docela škoda. source: Zdeněk Velíšek,

Quotes, Uncategorized

He’s got no ego

Nice retro view at three currency traders and dealers – oldschool style by pen, paper and the ticker :). I wonder if they have ever calculated their R’s and if they are still around these days. The main message of the video: “He’s got no ego. When…

Quotes, Uncategorized


So why did I get short and not long? The offer was doing more volume then the bid. I look for the price doing the most volume and follow it accordingly. If the seller lifted 107 and the bid was able to sustain above 107, then I would have had gott…

Quotes, Uncategorized

The rules I like

Barry has created yet another list of rules for investing. Here are the ones I like the most: Go passive. Here is a dirty little secret: Stock-picking is wildly overrated. Your solution is index ETFs, vastly preferable to picking individual stocks…

Quotes, Uncategorized

Latest NFP report

Under most conditions, employment numbers indicate health of the economy and strongly influence decisions shaping financial policies. Currently, they carry even more weight, after the FED specifically tied its interest rate policy to the unemploym…