Beating Alpha

iterating towards truth

Browsing Tag: VFI


Steps – planning without trading

I didn’t have the chance to trade this morning but I was squinting at charts while working on something else. I couldn’t resist creating a trading plan even when I was not trading. Good exercise for practicing patient state. Well, just a thought …


Trade of the day: EURUSD (LONG)

Today I have traded both morning and afternoon session with mostly positive results (3loosers/3winners = +51pips) so overall very good day. Morning session was pretty straight forward. Afternoon session was much more difficult starting with two lo…


The big one!

Finally, after several days of very modest gains (MONDAY: +4,-5,0,+4 = +4pips). On Tuesday VFI strategy produced several trade opportunities for which I was waiting the whole month. Both yesterday and today was a success with +81pips gain yesterda…