Beating Alpha

iterating towards truth


Always know your motives

We do many things to please others in order to feel good about ourself. To get others approval. The root cause is our inner insecurities. Waking up the true hero inside us is understanding the motives behind our actions. When you give a gift to people you love, to a certain way it is a selfish act. You expect that thankfulness for the gift at the deeper level. So what if no appraisal comes? No thankfulness? Are you gonna be disapointed? Sad? The reaction of the other person to your gift is totally outside of your control. Are you gonna be angry, sad, frustrated? If you will, your motives were probably wrong. You expect to give and your satisfaction should come from the act of giving (inside of your control), not the act of receiving (outside of your control). Understanding the motives why you do certain things gets you closer to your inner peace. We just need to be aware of it.

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