Tuning In > Tuning Out
Many times we try to fill our life with acitivities in order to forget about our deamons. We do not want to pause and be with ourself. Thats scary for many people. Busyness keeps us away from the deamons. We are busy with work, busy with study, budy at the gym, busy with planning our holiday. Busy, busy, busy. We continuously try to escape by keeping the mind busy so we dont have to face it. For many people meditation is difficult because they have to sit still. I get it, it is not for everyone, but the purpose is to stop and slow down. To be with ourself. Learning how to slow down can have many forms but is an essential key to rich living, key to not gettinng mad from all the busyness we impose to ourself. If you choose meditation, sitting still, fishing or chopping woods, do it for the right reasons, do it so you can tune in and become happier in the other domains of your life. Stop tuning out by busyness, find the right balance.
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