Beating Alpha

iterating towards truth


Deep work

A quick look into the pursuit of excellence can reveal truth we do not want to hear. That truth is hard, unpredictable, assymetrical work. The truth is that it is not about symmetrical input/output. I put x amount of hours , I will get y result. Sometimes our course has to change. Take all the people that have plans, goals in their head about their future before COVID19 came. Understanding that Systems are more important than Goals is one of the crucial principles. Taking aside the brutal aspect of what will happen in the futuer with current virus development, I want to talk about deep work. Moment, when magic happens. When those assymetrical hours of work start to compound.

Many times, we start with something. An idea. But we are so fucked up by the reactionary world we have been living in that we want quick answers. Our sugar marinated brain is deceiving us. In this environment, with this approach, nothing like deep work cannot happen. You are not payed by the minute, by the input. You are paid by staring into the idea that might lead to nowhere. By sitting, thinking and observing you might start to develop the idea bit further. It is that moment when your brain datacenter start to connect contexts that were not obvious at first sight. The more time we spend with the idea, we play with it the more we start to see patterns and potential variations. We break it down, build it up, leave it and break it up again. That is the moment of magic. Staring at it not knowing when the next piece will come. An unmeasurable assymetrical moment when we finally throw all the garbage out and start seeing emerging opportunity. By taking that opportunity and testing hypothesis around it in the real world we can take the idea from the total garbage idea to something viable. By testing it we can build conviction around that idea. Bit by bit, we build that conviction so one day, we are ready. And it all started with one thing, an idea a shitload of time doing the deep work so we are ready, to go big.

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