Discomfort defines you
The way how you respond to discomfort defines you as a trader. Full stop. source: unknown
iterating towards truth
The way how you respond to discomfort defines you as a trader. Full stop. source: unknown
What distinguishes “smart” from “successful” is good decision-making. source: traderfeed.blogspot.com
Nemáme právo ji soudit, máme pouze šanci ji pochopit source:ceskatelevize.com
He suggests that individuals tap that cultural storehouse of knowledge simply by mimicking (often unconsciously) the behavior and ways of thinking of those around them. source: psmag.co
When I interviewed willpower expert Roy Baumeister, what did he have to say?Early morning is also when you’re most disciplined. The longer people have been awake, the more self-control problems… Continue Reading
First of all, get out of your comfort zone: Go to a coffee shop and ask for 10% off,” he gave me the challenge. “Order some stuff, it’ll come to… Continue Reading
there’re different ways to play #forex but in my opinion, you’ve to forget all that kind of ways that makes you to be outOfControl source: @leanco Such a great quote…. Continue Reading
The most imporatnt rule of trading is to play great defense, not great offense. Every day, I assume every position I have is wrong. I know where my stop risk… Continue Reading
The only relevant question is whether you are bullish or bearish on the position that day. Always think of of your entry point as last night’s close. source: Paul Tuodr… Continue Reading
Work / life balance is a myth… in truth there is only “what’s next”… source: mercenarytrader.com