Producer Price Index (PPI) – Index cen výrobců
Producer Price Index (PPI) – Index cen výrobců
Index cen výrobců (Producer price index, PPI) je založen na cenách komodit, zahrnujících ceny potravin, zpracovatelského a těžebního průmyslu (odvětví primárního a sekundárního sektoru).
- Fixní váhy jsou založeny na čistých dodávkách či prodejích komodit.
- Počítá se jako vážený index.
- Indikuje měsíční změnu velkoobchodních cen a ta je dělená na tři části – komodity, průmysl a stupeň produkce.
- Přichází uprostřed měsíce s daty za minulý měsíc.
- Skládá se z:
– Celkové PPI
– Základní PPI (bez potravin a energií).
- Ukazuje možné inflační tlaky a je proto považován za vůdčí indikátor.
- Vztah k inflaci:
– růst indexu PPI bez cen potravin a energií = inflace by mohla spíše klesat
- Měří míru inflace(míru změny cen), kterou vykazují výrobci při nákupu zboží nebo služby.
- Rostoucí trend má pozitivní efekt na národní měnu. Posílení měny.
- V momentě kdy výrobci platí víc za zboží a služby dojde k přesunu tohoto zvýšení cen i na spotřebitele a ti budou muset vydat více ze svých peněženek – budou více utrácet.
- PPI je hlavním indikátorem spotřebitelské inflace.
- V extrémec ma PPI stejný efekt jako CPI.
Bureau of Labor Statistics:
What is the Producer Price Index (PPI)?
PPIs měří změnu ceny z pohledu prodávajícího. Tímto se liší například od CPI, které měří změnu ceny z pohledu kupujícího. Ceny kupujících a prodávajících se můžou lišit díky vládním dotacím, prodeji, spotřební daňi(nepřímá daň), odbytovými náklady.
Něco přes 10,000 PPIs pro odlišné produkty a skupiny je uvolněno každý měsíc.
PPIs are available for the products of virtually every industry in the mining and manufacturing sectors of the U.S. economy. New PPIs are gradually being introduced for the products of industries in the transportation, utilities, trade, finance, and services sectors of the economy.
How does the Producer Price Index differ from the Consumer Price Index?
While both the PPI and CPI measure price change over time for a fixed set of goods and services; they differ in two critical areas:- (1) the composition of the set of goods and services.
- (2) the types of prices collected for the included goods and services.
The target set of goods and services included in the PPIs is the entire marketed output of U.S. producers. The set includes both goods and services purchased by other producers as inputs to their operations or as capital investment, as well as goods and services purchased by consumers either directly from the service producer or indirectly from a retailer.
- Because the PPI target is the output of U.S. producers, imports are excluded.
->Cíl indikátoru PPI je zaměřen na výrobu U.S. producentů bez importu.
- The price collected for an item included in the PPIs is the revenue received by its producer.
- Sales and excise taxes are not included in the price because they do not represent revenue to the producer.
- A primary use of the PPI is to deflate revenue streams in order to measure real growth in output.
- The target set of items included in the CPI is the set of goods and services purchased for consumption purposes by urban U.S. households. This set includes imports.
-> Cíl CPI je skupina zboží a služeb zakoupených pro účely spotřeby U.S. domácností. To zahrnuje i IMPORT.
- The price collected for an item included in the CPI is the out-of-pocket expenditure by a consumer for the item.
- Sales and excise taxes are included in the price because they are necessary expenditures by the consumer for the item.
- A primary use of the CPI is to adjust income and expenditure streams for changes in the cost of living.
5. How is an index interpreted?
An index is a tool that simplifies the measurement of movements in a numerical series. Movements are measured with respect to the base period, when the index is set to 100. Currently, most PPIs have an index base set at 1982 = 100. (Some PPIs have a base corresponding to the month prior to the month that the index was introduced.) BLS measures price change in relation to that figure. An index of 110, for example, means there has been a 10-percent increase in prices since the base period; similarly, an index of 90 indicates a 10-percent decrease.
How are producers and products selected for the PPI survey?
PPIs are published for the output of virtually all U.S. mining and manufacturing industries and are gradually being introduced for the output of industries in other sectors of the economy. For any given industry, producers are selected for the survey via a systematic sampling from a listing of all firms that file with the Unemployment Insurance System.
- Typically, a firm’s probability of selection is based on its employment size.
After a firm is selected and agrees to participate in the survey, a probability sampling technique called disaggregation is used to determine which specific products or services will be in the PPI.
Disaggregation is a process in which iterative steps are taken to select items based on their proportionate value to the manufacturer’s overall revenue. First a reporter breaks down the type of items shipped into categories. Next, these categories are broken down further by price determining characteristics, for example, options, color, size. Further break downs may be necessary to differentiate between types of buyers or discounts. Disaggregation continues until a specific product sold to a specific buyer is selected.
Each month approximately 100,000 prices are collected from 30,000 reporters.
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