Beating Alpha

iterating towards truth

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constant brain trickery

As humans we have evolved through millions of years of evolution programming. Most of that time we have spent hunting and gathering, being part of the tribe. That millions years of programming has created a neurological wiring that helped you back then to guarantee you two most important things for the human gene to last: survive and reproduce. In my older post I call this programming a prehistoricOS or Kernel. Something what drives you in every decision you make. We constantly seek comfort and path of least resistance. We seek pleasure and connection. The more we are tapped into the “old programming” the more reactive we are and it is easy than ever to be controlled by simple manipulation techniques that does not even have an intension to harm us but just do what is “best” for our old programming. These techniques can be both external (your circle of friends, your search engine, your youtube channel, your instagram account) and internal (your fears, your self-talk, your belief system, your identification with all of that). I will leave the external for another post and focus on the internal now.


cultivating calmness to live more happy live

As famous designer Dieter Rams puts it, “less is more”. But more of the “right more” can be also beneficial. When we are faced with any obstacle in life, we have tendency to solve it with external stuff. Path of least resistance. For sure, just around the corner there must be the latest greatest gadget that can solve the problem for me. Better stuff. Better race I can attend to forget and feed the ego. Better thing that can improve the quality of my life. Better food, better YouTube hack. Better Instagram post. The problem with that is that you always have to run for external, for something what is outside the circle of your control.


TRADE, USDCAD, 27.2.2017

TRADE SUMMARY: this trade had a good base. Started to create higher lows and momentum. Based on the I have decided to enter on retrace. Got in at very good spot. Unfortunatelly, this was a trade: run or run away. Market run, but just for a while. It reached a nice open profit, but then shit itself. I did not want to risk it since it went against my rule of run or run away type of position. I have decided to close the position on rebound. Market eventually reached my target. Overall, decent trade.