Where is lechiffre?
My apologies for not being as active via my blog. Since it is easier for me to connect through other social tools, you can find more of my activity on twitter. Thats why I have added a twitter feed on this blog. Also, since all my ideas are captured via Evernote app, I yet have to find a way how to automatize Evernote and WordPress in order to get my ideas quick to the outside world.
Key crucial question I got in the past year a lot was: are you still trading? The answer is yes, although as not as much as I would like to due to the project I have decided to participate on and is market trading related. Is this the end of my bloging and trading? Absolutely not. On the contrary, while not being 100% focused on trading, trading is part of my everyday life. I trade, I read, I research, I program, … I am simply building tools that are helping me to automate my trading approaches. For example, in February 2016, I m gonna join this course on Machine Learning in order to get my automated trading tool box even more automated.
Stay focused and watch your risk.
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