Beating Alpha

iterating towards truth


Using my commuting time efficiently

I have created a nice habbit in the last couple of months. I have been listening a podcasts on my way to work. I know. Wow, dude, you have discovered podcasts but honestly. I travel to my work a min 35minutes. So basically I spend 5% of my day commuting, not being able to use my time for anything else except for reading. And I m not always mentally adjusted for reading, so I have a great way to diversify the knowledge transfer :).

So here is the list of podcasts I have listened so far. The scoring is simple. The higher the score, the better. Anything above 10 was worth my time, anything above 12 I consider must :).


Show Show date Person Exciting life Information bigmac Subjective liking Total
James Altucher 23.2.2016 Turney Duff 4 2 3 9
James Altucher 1.3.2016 Barbara Corcoran 3 2 3 8
James Altucher 8.3.2016 Gary Vaynerchuk 4 5 5 14
James Altucher 22.3.2016 Derek Sivers 3 3 4 10
James Altucher 27.3.2016 Ashlee Vance 2 2 2 6
Time Ferris 29.1.2016 Naval Ravikant 3 3 4 10
Tim Ferris 10.2.2016 Seth Godin 4 5 4 13
Tim Ferris 16.2.2016 Walter O’Brien (Scorpion) 5 3 3 11
Tim Ferris 18.2.2016 Shaun White 5 4 4 13
Tim Ferris 5.3.2016 Joel Stein (How to 10x Your results) 3 4 3 10
Tim Ferris 11.3.2016 Cal Fussman 3 2 2 7
Tim Ferris 16.3.2016 Kevin Rose (Random show) 2 4 4 10
Tim Ferris 22.3.2016 Josh Waitzkin 4 4 4 12

last update 11.4.2016


    1. lechiffre

      July 27, 2019 at 1:16 pm

      Ukradli mi avatara a pouzili ho na reklamu :D. Ale jo, pro masy je to dobra reklama 🙂

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