You are exactly where you should be
Any pain is temporary. Any setback is a learning if used wisely. Most of the time, half of the pain we are facing when meeting with adversity is our psychological/emotional extrapolation how things will be bad also in the next moment, without knowing nothing about the next moment, about future. This emotional paralysis and wishes of pain to go away are bringing actually even more emotional pain to already difficult situation. Good reminder every time we face adversity is to remember that we are exactly where we should be. Of course after the setback is over, we can learn from it but really, when we are in the actual moment of adversity, rather then fighting it at the emotional level (which produces even more adversity in my opinion) is to lean into that moment and live it. I know it is hard but it is a great practice everyone can get better at including me and a good reminder that in this universe, at this very moment, at this place, there is no other way then this setback and we are exactly where we should be.
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