Beating Alpha

iterating towards truth


New books


Finally, my books from Amazon arrived. It this round of book ordering I want to focus more on financial cycles and bubbles in general. For that I have chosen three books:

  • This Time is Different – business cycles, financial crashes, crisis and booms. It is never different because human nature doesn’t change. I have read very good reviews about this book and with amount of research which goes two centuries back I believe I will not be disappointed.
  • Bull! – history of the explosive 1982-1999 bull market that is illuminating as well as sobering from the current bear market perspective.
  • Too Big To Fail – “Sorkin’s densely detailed and astonishing narrative of the epic financial crisis of 2008 is an extraordinary achievement that will be hard to surpass as the definitive account…as a dramatic close-up, his book is hard to beat.”
    Financial Times

Then we have general business books. One is called ‘Only Paranoid Survive‘. This was on Warren’s Buffet recommendation list at so I will give it a try. Second one is called ‘The Element‘ by Sir Ken Robinson who has become for me a great inspiration and I appreciate his work as well as his thoughts and ideas.

Last field is physics. I have always been fascinated by Universe and by the way how things works. The way we believe the things work. The more we know the less we understand and this is just the right field. Challenging indeed. For that I have chosen book: ‘The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory‘. Here is just a quick snapshot what the book is about:

‘One of the more compelling scientific (cum-theological) questions in the Middle Ages was: “How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” Today’s version in cutting-edge science is, “How many strings… ?” As posited by string theory physics, strings are furiously vibrating loops of stuff. The concept of strings was devised to help scientists describe simultaneously both energy and matter. The frequency and resonance of strings’ vibration, just like those of strings on an instrument, determine charge, spin and other familiar properties of energy?and eventually the structure of the universe: a true music of the spheres. There’s a chance that strings are themselves made up of something still smaller. But scientists can prove their existence only on the blackboard and computer, because they are much too tiny?a hundred billion billion times smaller than the nucleus of an atom?’

And last one on the list is ‘A Short History Of Nearly Everything’. ‘This is a book about life, the universe and everything, from the Big Bang to the ascendancy of Homo sapiens. “This is a book about how it happened. And I guess I am going to find out very soon :). Looking forward to that.

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