Beating Alpha

iterating towards truth


End of the week recap = + 275pips

Overall this week has produced solid gain of +275pips. VFI produced 21 trades this week, TrendTrace has produced 3 trades and T3 strategy just one trade. Looking back there were times where I could feel that my holiday time was bit longer and some of my emotional reactions to trades were little bit over-reactive which was caused by “I can’t wait to trade” mood. So let’s have a look at some of my positive as well as negative trades.


First I would like to start of with T3 strategy. This strategy has produced one trade this week since I have moved my main focus to VFI strategy. In a nutshell: big move up accompanied with little retrace and stronger point of resistance which later became support was an ideal point of getting in after the strong bullish candle. First when I saw this happened I conducted a plan that if trade close higher (see image gallery) I will wait for retrace and then enter in the direction of the price spike. You can find detail explanation in the actual picture of this trade.


Then we have TrendTrace strategy which produced very good gains. I especially like trade in GBPJPY where I was shorting the pair. This trade was great example of High Probability Trade (see image gallery). Also CADJPY is worth mentioning. This trade was little bit different but with stronger levels of support and volume it generated it was a “good to go trade”. On the other hand out of TrendTrace trades I had one loosing trade which happened to be in USDJPY. Good set-up happened to be there but didn’t prove to be strong to carry on with my direction. On this trade I have tightened the stop-loss and later during the time I was sleeping I was stopped out (-20pips)


And finally my favourite VFI strategy. As I have said above this strategy has produced 21 trades this week so cover them all would be quiet time consuming and I am gonna upload just some of them. First, I wanna discuss the loosing trade because you always learn the most out of your losers. My loosing trade in the image gallery happened to be M formation pattern where I was entering short on the assumption that the volume accompanied with strong closing bearish candles might produce strong signal and that the position would be able to hold. Well it wasn’t and soon it reversed. During these times of reversal it is always very important to ask yourself “what is the technical picture” & “is this chart telling me that its time to exit the trade” since you never want to exit on the emotional basis. This chart told me very soon that it is time to exit and I have exited with -8pips loss. Every other trade was a winner so let’s have a look at one I feel I should share with you.

This trade happened to be in EURUSD. Classical W formation (double bottom) accompanied with nice volume in my direction, good supports, nice reversal pattern behind it. It almost had everything what the best trades usually have but what happened. I have entered and the pair got stuck. For next 10minutes it almost didn’t move. Tick charts were totally frozen, dollar index was going down, all other dollar pairs were loosing only EURUSD was stick. After the tick chart frozen and didn’t move at all for several minutes I have decided that whatever direction it will decide to go I have to act upon it and it decided to go against me so I have exited the trade with +3pips gain. Altough I was very confused and still believing that this trade has everything to go north again I set up a new entry level and was waiting for volume. And soon it really happened, nice shoot up – I have re-entered and boom in matter of just ONE MINUTE it has hit my target. Good trade experience overall.

So this is it for this week. I have been getting some mails asking for explanation of my strategies. I am on it and I have it all done in Czech for long time so this weekend I will try to translate in English so you are not confused anymore out of my TrendTrace strategies and T3 strategies. VFI has one article explaining it so check that out if you don’t know what I am talking about. Have a great weekend and keep it real :).

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