Beating Alpha

iterating towards truth

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Quotes, Uncategorized


As a trader learn to spot the difference between stop out wicks and the failing of a support level. This takes experience and real-time reps. When I love a level I will reenter, even after stopped out, more often than ordinary plays. I might give …

Quotes, Uncategorized

SYN FLOOD attack

Czech servers were very busy last week. By busy I mean they were under a “DDOS” attack by unknown botnet.There is a nice straight forward article about it and it is all about these keywords:TCP handsake SYN SYN-ACK SYN FLOOD SYN-ACK/FAKE IP & AND …

Quotes, Uncategorized

Worst case scenario

First he considers the worst case scenario for a potential trade/investment and what that would look like. He builds variables/scenarios that will prove his trade wrong. He visualizes this losing trade. When variables/scenarios hit that he mapped …

Quotes, Uncategorized

Price projections

I have read recent article from NBT about price targets/projections. First of all I have to say that I have found value in authors articles. I believe that this blog is one of the few with true value. The main problem is in my opinion complexity o…

Quotes, Uncategorized

Cyklus 49 let

V bibli šlo o pohyb, který byl spravedlivý, jinými slovy na začátku hry na něj přistoupili všichni, neb nikdo nevěděl, kde a jak na tom za oněch 49 let bude. Zda dole, či nahoře. Kapitál se tak přesouval od bohatých k chudým, a nikoli naopak. Zůst…



Já nemám vzory. Já pracuji s idejemi a zapomínám na jejich nositele, což je možná docela škoda. source: Zdeněk Velíšek,