Beating Alpha

iterating towards truth

Browsing Category: Quotes

Quotes, Uncategorized

Easing the pain

In the pediatrician’s office, the thoughtful nurse asked my daughter to count to five as she administered each shot, giving my daughter an idea of how long the pain would last and creating a sense of control. source:

Quotes, Uncategorized

Intuitivní heuristika

Toto je základ intuitivní heuristiky: když máme před sebou obtížnou otázku, často na místo toho odpovíme na její snadnější variantu, obvykle aniž bychom si změny povšimli source: Myšlení rychlé a pomalé, str. 19,20

Quotes, Uncategorized

A pickpocket´s tale

It’s all about the choreography of people’s attention,” he said. “Attention is like water. It flows. It’s liquid. You create channels to divert it, and you hope that it flows the right way.” Source: