Feeling of inspiration slowly vaporizing
I want to make electronic music and perform in Japan. But it’s tough to stay motivated. At some point you forget your original intention, but you still have to keep… Continue Reading
iterating towards truth
I want to make electronic music and perform in Japan. But it’s tough to stay motivated. At some point you forget your original intention, but you still have to keep… Continue Reading
If today’s corporate kvetchers are more concerned with the state of their egos than with the state of the nation, it’s in part because their own fortunes aren’t tied to… Continue Reading
For the most part, the problem is not that traders lack positive trading behaviors, but rather that they have not been able to turn those behaviors into routines. To the… Continue Reading
In his Market Wizards interview, Bruce Kovner gave his infamous advice on how to be a better trader: “Undertrade, undertrade, undertrade”. I love this quote so much that I have… Continue Reading
What commonly happens to traders in such an environment is that they will attempt to construct trades with superior reward-to-risk ratios and implicitly set their profit targets too high. If… Continue Reading
we find that individuals perform significantly better on subsequent tasks when they think about what they learned from the task they completed. source: traderfeed.blogspot.cz
the buying opportunities come when the public is too pessimistic about its prospects for gains source: allstarcharts.com
experts develop their own software: internal programs that enable them to recognize patterns and act upon them rapidly. source: traderfeed.blogspot.cz
Když máte pochybnosti, hledejte strach. To je téměř vždycky zdroj vašich pochybností. source: Kopni do té bedny, str 31, Seth Godin
Svět patří těm, co se neposerou Je to simple citát, ale má to koule a samozřejmě i patřičnou hloubku 🙂 source: Charles Bukowski