Was Malcolm Gladwell right?
So what determines whether an idea catches on is not who the early adopters are, but how they are connected to people with higher thresholds of resistance. Once it hits… Continue Reading
iterating towards truth
So what determines whether an idea catches on is not who the early adopters are, but how they are connected to people with higher thresholds of resistance. Once it hits… Continue Reading
In 2006, Hinton developed a more efficient way to teach individual layers of neurons. The first layer learns primitive features, like an edge in an image or the tiniest unit… Continue Reading
Bilancování roku 2013 je zde a já se snažím sečíst nebo odečíst to, co ve mně zanechalo největší stopy, co mě ovlivnilo. Po několika derivacích mého nabitého “know-how”, které by… Continue Reading
Trochu amerika, ale myšlenka se mi líbí. Růžový skákající tlusťoch uprostřed zimní krajiny mě opravdu rozesmál. So smile, it’s free!!!
Pepř do Evropy přivezl Alexandr Makedonský po svém tažení do Indie. Po dlouhá staletí byl nesmírně drahý a rostlina byla Evropě neznámá, poprvé ji popsal ve svém cestopise Marco Polo. … citace z… Continue Reading
The thing to remember with any type of fade trade is you need to take your profits more quickly than you would if you were trading with the trend. This… Continue Reading
Your life begins at the end of your comfort zone. author: “Neale Donald Walsch“
To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another to preserve and cherish, the only home we’ve ever known. The pale blue dot. source: Carl Sagan
Vartanian and collaborators slid people into a brain imaging machine, showed them these pictures, and asked them to label each room as “beautiful” or “not beautiful.” In a study published… Continue Reading